
For more information or to set up a free consultation, please email or call (970) 367-7670.

Scholarship support is available based on financial need and available funds.



A comprehensive evaluation will evaluate a child's...

  • Oral language (expressive and receptive)

  • Reading skills (decoding, fluency, and comprehension)

  • Mathematical skills (operational, mathematical problem solving, and fluency)

  • Writing skills (spelling, sentence, and essay composition)

This evaluation includes testing and a session to help you understand the written report provided. A comprehensive educational assessment can help you to understand your child's academic strengths and weaknesses. You will learn whether or not a specific learning disability is impacting your child's academic growth and what kinds of intervention or support will be most effective. The assessments meet the requirements to qualify eligible students for ACT/SAT accommodations.


3 to 5 hours




A literacy evaluation will evaluate reading and writing skills to determine whether any literacy-related deficits, including dyslexia, exist. You will receive a report that contains relevant background information, interpretation of test results, treatment recommendations, and academic/family recommendations. This evaluation includes a session to help you understand the written report provided.


2 to 3 hours




A Fine Motor Evaluation will assess fine motor skills and handwriting. A pediatric occupational therapist will complete this evaluation and will assess...

  • Eye-hand coordination

  • Fine motor dexterity

  • Visual perception

  • Pencil grasp

  • Written output

You will receive a report that contains relevant background information, interpretation of test results, treatment recommendations, and academic/family recommendations. This evaluation includes a follow-up phone call to help you understand the written report provided.



An instructional assessment will provide information to guide instruction for a child. Depending on a child's age, developmental stage, and academic challenges, we will evaluate:

  • Phonemic awareness

  • Phonics/decoding

  • Fluency

  • Vocabulary

  • Comprehension

  • Spelling

  • Written expression

  • Math skills​​

This assessment service is required annually for tutoring with Steamboat Reading. We can also complete this assessment package and provide a written report to support school intervention and instruction.


1 hour




1.5 hours
